Our clients
Our solutions

Our vision is to become the first choice in providing IT solutions and to be more than just a technology partner for our clients. We want to bring fair working conditions for employees, support innovative ideas and create great SW applications.
To build sustainable technological advancements, modern and reliable solutions that benefit our clients, simplify their day-to-day operations and support their growth and success. We want to be a stable, long-term and fair partner for our clients. We enjoy being part of unique and interesting projects.
- Fair dealing
- Enthusiasm and positive attitude
- Personal responsibility
- Teamwork
- Personal fulfilment

Naše ďalšie úspešné realizácie
Pýšime sa úspešnými projektami pre finančný sektor, zdravotníctvo a verejnú správu
Budujme spolu digitálnu budúcnosť, ktorá prináša úžitok
Jana Kačenková / Projektová manažerka
We'll be better with you!

Prečo práve my?

Lucie Novotná
Projektová manažérka

Peter Kováč

Štefan Novák
Projektový manažér

Why choose us?
- 75+ IT experts
- 23 years of experience
- Quality human capital
- Fair and long term partnership
- Reliable and customized solutions
- Innovative ideas for unique projects

Helping to heal and keep patients healthy
Telemon is an innovative program that provides the subject with a set of certified medical measurement devices to monitor vital signs and health status.